French Inspired
By Bertog Landscape Company
This “French Inspired” residential landscape poses many maintenance challenges. The Green Velvet Boxwood hedge and spiral-trimmed arborvitae in the entrance garden, walled garden and at the front foundation are hand clipped several times per season to maintain a formal appearance. Pest issues are treated seasonally following an IPM program. Front walkways, bluestone pool deck, and flagstone and limestone patios are pressure washed. Pavers are reset annually. Turf is core-aerated twice per season following an IPM organic turf care program. Additional applications of insecticides and fungicides are necessary only when disease and insect pressures dictate. Overstory shade trees and large evergreens are trimmed twice per season using specialized equipment. Frans Fontaine Hornbeam, Columnar Norway Spruce, Armstrong Maples and arborvitae hedges are hand pruned to maintain scale and formal habit. The stately appearance of this grand estate reflects an extensive effort to preserve the integrity and beauty of the original landscape architecture.