Storybook Gardens
By Rosborough Partners
Our client's preference for natural-looking, full gardens without the use of chemicals guides our approach to their landscape care. Diligent weekly inspections allow for expedient identification and proactive treatment for any plant health care concerns before they become an issue so that plants maintain their good health and robust appearance with very little use of treatments. The water garden is an essential element of the landscape, providing a habitat for wildlife and a source of beauty and tranquility. Since designing and building the pond and stream, we now carefully maintain the water garden's ecosystem, ensuring that it is thriving and attracts a variety of beneficial wildlife. The beehives are another important aspect of the landscape, providing pollination for the edible garden and honey for the client, creating a symbiotic relationship between the family and hives. Our team manages the area surrounding the beehives CAREFULLY to ensure that they have an abundance of pollen-laden blooms for happy bees. The picturesque gardens surrounding the home provide the desired ambiance for the client's nature-loving lifestyle. The rotating seasons offer ever-changing blooms and foliage to surround the outdoor living areas with visual interest.