Tribune Tower Residences

By Clarence Davids & Company

The challenge of the designs was to find sources and sizes of a variety of plants that would fit a compelling design scheme as well as being commercially, cost effectively available. The contractor used a variety of sources and venders from the west coast to Florida along with custom grown greenhouse materials from local Midwest suppliers to obtain the desired variety of plants. To create a dramatic, visually compelling streetscape appeal and complimenting the detailed gothic architecture, bold and rich colors of orange, red, and chartreuse were utilized. Layers of bold textures of the Taro and Bromeliads contrasting with a backdrop of bamboo and juxtaposed with fine textures of Japanese Forest grass and Gomphrena work together to create the visual power. Layering and colors of Cordyline, Lantana, Cannas, Petunias and Sunpatiens add a depth of complexity providing interest to pedestrians as well as complimenting the building from the vehicular perspective. On Illinois street where shade and wind provide additional challenges, Wintercreeper and Panicum grass are used for a sustainable look. The planters are then colorized on the ends with seasonal plantings. Spring season bulbs are utilized as well as fall, cool seasonal plantings and winter holiday decorations to provide the year around appeal around the building. The contractor manages all aspects of the landscape to ensure the health, vigor and success of the plantings. Hand watering is done throughout the season as well as pruning, removing spend foliage and blossoms. Trees are deep root fertilized and plantings receive timed liquid and granular fertilizations. Overall the displays have been a tremendous success delighting and inspiring visitors and residents from around the world and providing an appropriate complement to this world class building.