Gold Star Equine and K9 Memorial
By Lightscape Inc.
The memorial installation for the Gold Star Foundation honors the Equine and K-9 service animals that were killed in the line of duty. The memorial wall is the feature of this installation, rather than lighting the forefront, we’ve backlit the panels to provide interest and allow the background [soldier field] to be pulled into the space. Providing security lighting along the walkway and in the paved space in front of the memorial wall which was the priority. The modern “L” shaped bollard fixtures were positioned to create an even cadence that represent officers saluting their fallen partners. In the distance, before one arrives at the memorial, the three bollards that light the memorial brick pavers in front of the wall are turned off so that the lighting that shines through the panels has the greatest impact. When one walks into the bricked paving space, a motion sensor is triggered for the bollards that illuminates the paving and reveals a passage below that can be read. The bollards are positioned to highlight the brick paving but also light the Horse and Dog busts as they are the feature of the memorial. This is a unique installation that provided us the opportunity to show our creativity and installation abilities.