The Impact Conference
Make a Sustainable IMPACT in Your Environment!
This event includes invigorating sessions on sustainable and ecological landscape practices. The day will also include vendor displays featuring the latest in sustainable products & practices and networking opportunities with those new to sustainable practice and old pros who know the ropes. CEU’s will be available for Landscape Architects!
Schedule of Events
Atrium: Check in/Badge Pick Up and Vendor Fair
Auditorium: Welcome, Ashley Marrin and Brandon Losey
Auditorium: Prairie Garden Design Principles, Neil Diboll, Prairie Nursery
Sponsored by Pizzo (Premier Sponsor)
The interest in using native wildflowers, grasses and low-growing shrubs of the North American Prairie in gardens has been building for the past fifty years. What were once considered to be “weeds” are now recognized as essential members of a healthy landscape that requires little or no pesticides, fertilizers, irrigation, and when done correctly, reduced weeding. Of equal or greater benefit is the sustenance these adaptable plants provide to pollinators, birds, and a host of other wildlife and garden visitors that can delight us as much as the plants themselves.
Neil explains the ecological principles of prairie garden design, including the importance of understanding each plant’s root system, foliage structure, bloom time, and interactions with neighboring plants to create sustainable, long-lived, low maintenance ecologically sound prairie gardens. The best flowers and grasses for urban and suburban gardens are presented for a variety of different soil conditions. Dig deep into the fascinating world of prairie plants and how they can add beauty and value to your gardens!
Atrium: Break and Vendor Fair
Auditorium: SENSE OF NO-PLACE: Intentional Naturalistic Garden-Making, Kevin Philip Williams, Denver Botanical Gardens
Sponsored by Midwest Groundcovers (Session Sponsor)
Over the past few decades thought-leaders and visionaries from around the world have brought us squarely into the golden age of naturalistic garden design. Our libraries are brimming with tomes that allow us to dissect, comprehend and translate designer gardens and natural beauty to our own spaces. But what’s next? Do we have a path forward? Is it possible to transcend the current zeitgeist of beauty and function? Is it even necessary? Kevin will explore concepts and strategies to elevate the conversation of naturalistic garden design to intentional world-building through and offer ways that we can shatter and reinvent naturalistic planting design.
Atrium: Break and Vendor Fair
Room 101ABC: Gas to Electric: Lessons from the Field, Brandon Haley, SSC Services and Board of Directors for the Professional Grounds Management Society
As equipment in landscaping continually evolves into electric, is your operation ready? This presentation will teach you how to determine the true cost of both electric and combustion engine equipment to see if battery technology fits your company’s needs. It will also teach you strategies to ensure that you are successful in transitioning your fleet to battery. Battery management, including the tough question of how many batteries do I need, will be discussed at length. We will also discuss charging infrastructure and shop setup in an effort to make your switch successful!
Auditorium: Show Me the Numbers: The How and How Much of Sustainable Landscapes, Gerardo Trujillo (Openlands), Sarah Surroz (Openlands), John Mariani (LandServe LLC)
Sponsored by Stantec (Session Sponsor)
For the past year, planning has been underway to provide the landscaping industry with a wealth of information over time from four residential sites that feature traditional aesthetics and showcase ecologically sustainable landscaping. Landscape contractors are invited to draw upon this project’s demonstrations and data when considering ways to benefit from the growing market for sustainable landscapes.
In this session, the first set of highly anticipated materials will be shared and discussed, including landscape design plans, plant lists, product lists, installation and maintenance budgets, and talking points. Participants will also be the first to receive access to the project’s URL.
ILCA is collaborating on this project with Openlands, a 60-year-old nationally accredited land conservation nonprofit which conducted an extensive market research listening tour to determine how it could best support landscape contractors interested in ecologically sustainable landscaping. This project results from that effort. Openlands has engaged renowned registered landscape architect John Mariani of LandServe LLC for planning and design.
Atrium and Room 101ABC: Lunch
Room 101ABC: Roundtable Discussions
Attendees will participate in three 15 minute small group discussions on topics of their choice. Each small group will have a content expert to guide the discussion and take notes.
Auditorium: Future of the Landscape Industry: Panel Discussion with Kevin Williams, Roy Diblik, Jerry Wilhelm, Neil Diboll; Moderated by Angela Bowman, Yellowstone Landscape
Sponsored by Taylor Creek Restoration Nurseries (Session Sponsor)
Speakers will provide their thoughts on where the landscape industry is heading, then take questions from the audience on the future of this industry.
Atrium: Break and Vendor Fair
Auditorium: Coming To Know Healthy Soil, Roy Diblik, Northwinds Farm and Jerry Wilhelm, Conservation Research Institute
Sponsored by Pizzo (Premier Sponsor)
Join experts Roy Diblik and Dr. Gerould Wilhelm to learn about:
- Healthy soil with bacteria, microorganisms, and insects
- Building your dream prairie garden
- Key elements in landscape design and plant combinations
Organizer: Melissa Custic
Click here to contact [email protected] for further information about this event.
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