Dark Secret Oasis
By Night Light, Inc.
Built for entertaining, this elongated suburban backyard can be made to feel intimate or expansive as the occasion demands. The responsive design of the landscape lighting system delivers a custom outdoor experience as activity levels change and seasonal usage varies. The lighting composition beyond the patio and pergola lures people to walk through the open expanse of lawn to the focal-point pool and spa environment or to the intimate seating area around a stone firepit. The lighting emphasizes the depth of the property and the landscape design by highlighting key trees and garden spaces along the way. The subtle moonlighting technique enables circulation back and forth from the house to the rear of the property where a dramatic water and light display is created. During the summer months, the color-changing pool lights backed by the tall canopy of leafy green trees convey a resort-like feel. In fall and winter, down-lighting in the tree canopy illuminates lofty limbs that cast dark shadow patterns on the ground for a quiet woodland scene viewed from the house.